Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Theater I: Journal #12 and In-Class Reading/Work

Journal Entry #12 PLOT STRUCTURE (11/30/09):

Read pages 138 -140 and pages 144 – 145.  Make sure to know the diagram and parts of the plot structure on page 145.  (You may omit the element of “crisis” as it is really part of rising action!)

Read the sample scene on page 142 between RAY and MOLLY.  Using the sample script, and the Plot Structure diagram on page 145, continue plotting out the short scenario involving Molly and Ray.  This will look like a list of elements of plot structure followed by a description of a situation.  An example is below:

Exposition: Ray has committed robbery.  Although no one was hurt, the police are after him.

Inciting Incident: He goes to see his mother to get the keys to a getaway car.  She takes the keys and puts them in her pocket.

Rising Action:

Turning Point:

Falling Action:


Be imaginative in getting to the resolution.  The characters do not have to be heroic or good-hearted.


Journal entry #12, cont. VOCAB (12/2/09):

Write the definitions to the following words in YOUR OWN WORDS first.  If you don’t know, look at the word and its parts to guess what it might mean.

Then, find the definitions in the glossary or index of your textbook to write in the accurate definition.

(Hint: They’re both types of characters.)

protagonist                                    archetype


12/2/09:  In-class assignment: Write a short 2 person scene in which one person is the protagonist and another is an archetype.  (There are many types of both!)

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