Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Theater III: Observation Paper Deadline Approaches
Monday, October 26, 2009
Theater I: Journal #8 - Play Selection & Description
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Theater I: Journal #7 continues! Vocabulary!
Ch-ch-check it out! Word on the street is, you'll need to know these terms for your next theater project!
Add them to your #7 journal entry for 10/20/09!
blocking: movement of actors onstage
staging: bringing to life onstage
director: a person who oversees the entire production (generally what you see onstage)
actor: a person who portrays a character
cross: movement from one place to another
cast: (noun) a group of actors who play the roles in a production, (verb) to be selected to play a role
"upstaging": stealing the focus in a scene
cue: signal for something to happen
prop/property: anything an actor handles onstage
set: the onstage physical environment that actors perform in/on
QUIZ Wednesday, October 21 on STAGE AREAS. Be prepared.
Please make sure that you have your journal checked by Ms. Yanchak BEFORE THE END OF THE SCHOOL DAY ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23. Please arrange to make up any missed assignments by this time as well.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Theater III: Method Acting Teachers Poster Assignment
In this assignment, you will be assigned a partner to work with in researching one of the following people involved in the teaching of acting. You have read about method acting during class; sense memory, emotional memory, and action-generated memory are all forms of “The Method."
Choices for research include:
Lee Strasberg
Constantin Stanislavsky
Stella Adler
Sanford Meisner
Uta Hagen
Bertold Brecht
Richard Boleslavski
Your poster must include:
1) A brief summary of your subject’s life
2) A summary of what they taught: What was their “method” of acting? What did they believe? When did it become important in history, and why is it still important today?
3) At least 3 images (sketches, images from reliable websites, charts, graphs, etc.)
4) At least 3 online sources of information, and 2 books/print sources
Your poster may be any shape or size that you’d like. I have some materials in the classroom, such as markers, colored pencils, glue sticks, crayons, scissors, construction paper. If you wish to display your poster on poster board or another material, you must provide that yourself.
You will be given two days of research time in the library, and two days of independent work time in class. Some online resources are listed below. There are many more resources available should you do a search. I have several books on hand for you to use in the classroom, but no book may leave my room!
You will be asked to present your poster to the class on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. Please be prepared.
Theater II: Journal Entry #7 - No Dialogue Characterization
Theater I: Journal #7 - Advantages and Disadvantages
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Theater II & III: Journal #6 - Notes

Theater I: Journal #6 and Notes